Studying is an essential part of school. Many students study to make sure they understand the topic and get a good grade on tests and quizzes. There are multiple ways to study, whether you just look over notes and papers, write things down, make flashcards, or another study method. Some people may study in one night, the day before a test, while others may study for many days leading up to a test. Studying is a useful tool, whether it’s math, english, science, or history, it is always helpful.
Bayleigh Fortenberry, freshman, said, “I study the night before every test for around 20 minutes. I write down notes during classes so I can look over and read them.” Taking notes during class is one of the most popular ways to study. Either taking notes on paper or digitally lets you look over information to memorize it. Some teachers may even give you notes to fill out and read. Evey Flagello, freshman, said, “I study every night, ranging from 30 minutes to 3 hours, depending on the topic. I study by rewriting notes and doing practice problems.” Not only does she study before a test, but she studies every single night, so when a test does come up, she is prepared.
Some teachers may also post a digital game for students to study, like a gimkit, blooket, quizlets, and more. Most of the time they are played during classes, but sometimes they can be used outside of school. Not only does it help students study, but it’s more interactive, allowing students to play a game with it. Kenley Goetz, seventh grader, said, “I study the night before a test by doing the quizzes my teacher posts.” Quizziz is a website used for studying, where you answer questions and if you answer them right and fast enough you earn points. Whoever in the class gets the most points wins.
Some classes may require more work and studying than others. Some classes are all about memorizing information, while others are just knowing how to do certain problems. Adalyn Smith, freshman, said, “For math, I go over the formulas because I have a calculator for the assessment, but for history, I have to write stuff down, remember information, and read over things for the test.” Every subject is different, and there are many ways to study each one.