New Teacher/Coach: Mr. Vazquez

Andrew Stallings, Staff Writer

Mr. Vazquez is a new teacher and boys soccer coach here at Armuchee. He has recently been coaching at Shorter University and Southern Soccer Academy. He has spent a total of 2 years coaching soccer. Mr. Vazquez has also attended Shorter University to receive a major in Biology. He was encouraged by his family and friends to motivate kids to grow up, be responsible, and love soccer. While Mr. Vazquez was in school, he enjoyed playing soccer. Mr. Vasquez filled the vacancy in Special Education, taking on the responsibilities of Coach Dulaney, who received a promotion in December. Dulaney is now at the county office.

Mr. Vasquez will be working alongside classroom teachers, providing support to students. His goals for the year are to be the best teacher to students and to teach them enough information that they can succeed. Also, he wants to be the best coach, to train and help players become better.

Mr. Vazquez’s hobbies are playing the guitar and spending time with his family. Spending time with his family makes him delighted because he can share his thoughts and feelings. He and his family go to church every Sunday and every Wednesday night. Mr. Vazquez is a youth group leader at Redemption Church. He doesn’t have a favorite social media app, but he said, “If I had to choose, it would be Snapchat because of all of the cool features that it offers.” Mr. Vazquez’s favorite food is Mexican, which he has loved from a very young age. He isn’t very fascinated with technology because it takes away the one-to-one interactions. Mr. Vazquez states that technology can be a distraction for students who are trying to learn. However, he does appreciate that you can communicate with friends and family using technology. He also stated that it is useful in his job not only as a teacher but as a coach, too. 

Mr. Vazquez confirmed that his coaching so far is very good because the players are “getting the idea.” As a coach, his regiment for workouts is simple:  he was to have workouts that include strength, endurance, and speed. These workouts include conditioning and a lot of running. Mr. Vazquez doesn’t want to train players to be big and bulky because it isn’t very successful in soccer. Anything that Mr. Vazquez can’t do himself in soccer, he won’t make the players try to do it. He trains his players to become like him; therefore, he teaches them as much as he can. Mr. Vazquez also pushes the team to become stronger and better. He stated, “If you want to become better, then you have to train hard. Nothing in life ever comes easy.”