Harper Dixon, an eighth-grade student at Armuchee High School, was voted "Most Athletic" by her peers during the annual class superlatives selection in 2024. The selection process spotlighted students...
Gabrielo Castro, an 8th grader here at AHS, was chosen as the “Most Reliable” 8th grade superlative by her peers this year. Gabriela seems to agree with her classmates’ choice. She said, “I feel...
The superlative “Most School Spirit” is given to someone who shows a lot of pride and love for their school, and this year’s recipient fits that perfectly. Jack Pethel, he is at every school event,...
For the 2024-2025 school year at Armuchee Middle School, Adrian Chacon was voted the most artistic. Adrian said, “I expected to get this superlative because I am known for being able to draw better than...
Knowledge is a celebrated thing here at AHS, and is even recognized through the superlatives awarded to students. Eighth grader Chase Kennedy was awarded the superlative for “Most Likely to Win Jeopardy”....
This year's student elected for the 8th grade superlative "Most Athletic" was Ryker Sarratt. For AMS Ryker is involved in basketball, track, and cross country. Ryker beleives he was voted for this superlative...
Evey Kate Jones, eighth grader at Armuchee high school, was recently voted for a superlative this year. This superlative being, "Most Artistic". When Evey Kate reflected on why she may have one this superlative,...
Rylan Burk, an eighth grader here at Armuchee High School, was selected by his peers for the “Most Likely to Know All the Lyrics” superlative in the 2024-25 school year. When Mr. Pethel announced the...
The graduating class of 2029, currently 8th graders, is full of some very bright and knowledgeable students. One of these students in particular being Ellia McClain, who was given the 8th grade superlative...
This year Conner Owens an 8th grader at Armuchee High School was selected as the most likely to cheer you up superlative. Conner Owens said, “I did not expect to get chosen but I am glad I did.”...