At Armuchee High School, girls cross country is one of many fall sports wrapping up with the state meet in November. This sport consists of girls in 9-12th grade who participate in avarious races against other high school girls in the Northwest Georgia area. Grace Fellows, a Junior is one of the runners on the team. Grace has been running ever since she was little and enjoys being part of the CC team at AHS, not only for running, but for the enviornment. She said, “I started running in second grade because I have always enjoyed running. It is very good conditioning and the meets are fun and it’s a good team environment.”
Taking a risk to try something new might lead into something more. Ava Lee, a sophomore who is also a runner for the team, was new to cross country this year. Ava was never interested in trying the sport until she was put onto it by her friend. She said, “Not at all have I always wanted to do cross country. My friend Emily wanted to but didn’t want to be alone. It is not necessarily the sport that has kept me doing it but the environment and teammates are really good and it pushes me to keep running and work hard even in the difficult times.” Others who are in the time were not inspired by friends to join the team, but movies. Sarah Hyde, freshman, is another runner on the team. She said, “I was first introduced to the sport by the movie “Overcomer” and the film inspired me to do it.” The girls look forward to the team and environment but also the personal records. Emmalin Dollar, freshman, said, “The opportunity to get PR’s is probably what excites me the most about the current season. It’s always fun to see yourself improve.” PR’s are very important in the sport and show your improvement throughout the season.
Finishing the race is a reminder to keep pushing not just for you but for your team. Ava Lee said, “To prepare myself the day before a race I make sure not to work myself too hard, putting in the hard work at practice and making sure I feel myself enough.” It is averaged to burn 500-600 calories in one single race. Nerves are sure to always be high before any race, and seasoned runners are no exception to this. Grace Fellows said, “Leading up to a race I feel excitement and definitely nerves and I want to make my team proud”. Cross Country is also classified as one of the hardest sports in high school, while the teams run 3.1 miles every race, and practices are just as tough. Mrs. Hagerich, the coach of the girls team said, “Cross Country is a brutal sport. These girls run in rain, mud, 90 degrees or 30 degrees and everything in between. They are tough and are always trying their best. The girls inspire me.”
Sports provide friends and family a bond for life. Ava Lee said, “It’s definitely been hard not having the seniors. I think I’m doing better and my teammates help me get through it.” Sports teach athletes more than just how to do the sport but life lessons. Sarah Hyde said, “Everyone has their own pace so you shouldn’t try to catch up with other people because not everyone has the same way of doing it. Outside of the sport it has helped me learn more people and that it helps with energy and exercise.” Attitudes are contagious and being positive is never a bad thing anywhere, but it’s especially appreciated on a team full of such hardworking and dedicated people like this one.
It’s never too late or early to start something great, and even after participating in the sport for 4 years, Emmalin Dollar still finds so much to look forward to with the sport. She said, “What I look forward to on the daily the most is honestly probably the running because I’ve always loved running.” There really is no I in team, and this team is definitely a family. Coach Hagerich said, “Some of my favorite memories of coaching are watching the team at the start line when they huddle together, pray, and encourage each other to do their best during the races. I also love watching the girls at the finish lines of races. They have been given their all throughout the race, but still find a little more to finish strong. It shows their grit and determination. I love hearing their teammates cheering for them to keep going and celebrating as they cross the line”. The team has worked extremely hard for their goal to preform well at state, and we wish the best of luck to all the girls competing and their coach.