Evey Kate Jones, eighth grader at Armuchee high school, was recently voted for a superlative this year. This superlative being, “Most Artistic”. When Evey Kate reflected on why she may have one this superlative, she brought up her creativity. She said, “I think I was voted for this superlative because of how creative I am.” Evey feels as though her creative ways have led to her being the person given this title, thinking her superlative truly does fit her and her personality. She said, “I think the superlative for most artistic very accurately describes me.” Her reason behind feeliong this way being that she is a very creative person who likes to do a lot with art and is very often making art.
Evey Kate feels like she has earned her superlative, and was very excited and happy to hear that she had received it, but she also told us of another well qualified candidate for the “Most Artistic” superlative. She said, “I think that Abbie Barnett would have also been a good candidate because of how she’s also so creative.” Evey’s open mind an consideration of other possible candidates for this superlative reveals a lot about her charcter. Instead of feeling like she is the only one fit for her superlative, she is humble, and even beleives that she might not be the best person for the superlative. Evey Kate feels like she could possibly go somewhere with art, potentially wanting to pursue some sort of career with visual arts. She said, “I’ve thought before that maybe after I graduate from high school I could go to college for art or maybe even teaching.” Evey imagines she could take art to a higher level, whether it’s going to school to learn to be a better artist, or going to a school to learn to teach art. To sum it all up, Evey Kate was justly voted by her peers, being a great fit for her superlative.