Carmen Boozer, an 8th grade student at Armuchee High School, has been voted for the “Most Likely to Know All the Lyrics” superlative by her classmates. Being a self-proclaimed “music-addict,” she is always ready to pull up the newest songs on the top charts. She said, “I think I embody music by sharing my energy.” Carmen loves to share music with friends, always bringing a new mood to the moment. She wants to embody her superlative by always sharing her music. She said, “Music lets me share my interests with friends, it makes my friendships feel closer.” Her love for music extends past just sharing her favorite tunes with her friends. Carmen listens to music whenever she can. She said, “I listen to music basically whenever, when getting ready for the day, while eating. Any free time is time for music!”. Whether it’s to boost motivation for a day or enjoy a moment of extra time, Carmen can be found jamming out to her newest favorite song. After finding out about being chosen for this superlative, she was excited about her newest title. She said, “I sort of expected it, but it’s fun to know people recognie me in this way!”
Listening to music constantly, it’s no wonder Carmen is known for having memorized the lyrics to so many songs. She said, “I think this superlative matches me and my energy, it fits me pretty well.” Now having been announced as the lyrics know-all, Carmen knows she has to live up to the title. She knows that the superlative isn’t just about knowing the lyrics to songs. She said, “The superlative is about uplifting my friends. Music is my way of doing that.” It’s no surprise that Carmen Boozer earned this fun superlative. No matter what song is next in the queue, she’ll continue to uplift her peers with her love for music.