Joy Fountain won the 8th grade class superlative for “Class Clown” for the 2024-2025 school year. Joy lights up the room the moment she enters, and encourages everyone she meets to live up to their highest potential, through humor. She said, “I am glad I won this award, it really encourages me to continue making people laugh throughout the day.” She loves her humor as she tells jokes in order to continue making people laugh. She feels that she would not have gotten any other award as class clown makes her happy and suits her personality well. After Joy was given “Class Clown” she was rushed with excitement and happiness, she could not wait to celebrate with her friends and family. Joy didn’t do anything special this year to win the award she was just being herself and making people laugh as per usual.
Joy Fountain could not have been more grateful for her peers who voted for her. She said, “I really couldn’t see myself with any other award, I love the one I got and it represents me well.” Joy is over all a funny person who loves to make people laugh. She heals people with laughter throughout each and every day keeping things interesting and fun. Without Joy’s humour the school day would not feel the same to her peers. Joy enjoys bringing laughter to her classmates. She said, “I think laughing is more of an escape than anything so when I have the opportunity to make someone happy I take it every single time without a doubt.” Joy keeps things interesting as she continues to make people laugh from day to day.