Rylan Burk, an eighth grader here at Armuchee High School, was selected by his peers for the “Most Likely to Know All the Lyrics” superlative in the 2024-25 school year. When Mr. Pethel announced the superlatives over the intercom in the morning, Rylan said, “I was a little surprised when I received the superlative, but it makes sense because a lot of my classmates said they were planning on voting for me.” Even though there were many other superlatives Rylan could have been elected for, he feels that this one best suits him and his personality, as he tends to sing and listen to music during class. Many of Rylan’s classmates agree with his superlative, as Izzy Doughtery and Presley Tanner, eighth graders, said, “Rylan sometimes sings out loud in class when he is listening to music.” Along with his classmates, Mrs. Burns also believes that Rylan Burk is most likely to know all the lyrics.
Rylan’s favorite genres of music are country music and pop. He said, “Some of my favorite artists are Zach Bryan, Morgan Wallen, and The Kid LAROI.” Rylan said that his most listened to songs would be “Pink Skies” and “Something in the Orange” by Zach Bryan, as well as “Nights Like This” by The Kid LAROI. He said, “I usually listen and sing along to music on my Airpods during school or whenever I play tennis at my house.” He enjoys listening to music while practicing tennis because it helps him to focus, while helping keep his motivation up. If Rylan were to create his own superlative, he thinks people would probably pick him for “Most Likely to be the Best at Playing Tennis”. He said, “Throughout high school, I hope to become a better tennis player and eventually reach singles one.” He aspires to earn a tennis scholarship in the future and hopefully attend a college like University of Georgia to major in Business. Music plays a large role in Rylan’s day-to-day life, which he hopes will lead him to reaching his goals.