Shiv Kansagara, an eighth grader at Armuchee High School, was recently chosen as the “Most Reliable” superlative for the class of 2029. Known for his unwavering dependability, Shiv was pleasantly surprised by the award. While winning this superlative came as a shock to him, he feels that the title of “most reliable” accurately represents his character. He imagines his generous and considerate personality played a substantial role in his win. He said, “I help people a lot and frequently give them advice.” He also reflected on his affability when asked about what other superlatives could possibly depict his disposition. He said, “I would describe myself as friendly and good-natured.”
Beyond his reliability, Shiv is also known for his generosity and affable nature. Although he didn’t expect to gain any superlative title this year, Shiv’s win has made him feel more valued in the Armuchee community. He said, “It has definitely made me feel more confident.” If he hadn’t been awarded this superlative, he suggested Ethan Hight, another eighth grader here at Armuchee, for the position. He said, “Ethan is reliable because he’s always helping people.” After he graduates, Shiv wants to continue furthering his education. He said, “I hope to study at a quality college after I finish high school.” With a bright future ahead, Shiv Kansagara continues to inspire those around him with his reliability.