The seniors at Armuchee High School have worked very hard over the past 4 years, so that they can live a great and successful rest of their lives. They are all looking forward to the future. They all have had an amazing experience at Armuchee and are excited to start a new chapter, whether that’s going to college, getting a job, or even just taking a break from school. Most seniors want to have a memorable experience for their last year of high school. Looking back, seniors have already had some highlights.
Bradon Therber, senior, loves the Armuchee community. He said his favorite thing about the Armuchee community is that, “Everyone shows up for the football games, and so many people take time out of their day to travel to the away games to cheer armuchee on.” He also said that, “Armuchee fans will travel to away games, and sometimes more Armuchee fans come for the away games then the home teams fans.” Bradon Therber is happy to have such a supportive community at Armuchee. As a member of the Marching Band, he is glad that so many people come to the football games.

The seniors at Armuchee have liked some classes more than others. Some like Spanish class the most, some like Math the most, and some like Band, Art, or PE the most. Olivia Taft said, “My favorite class was AP US history because in that class we talked about a ton of random things with Mrs. Ratledge, and it was such a fun and good class to take.” Olivia Taft likes how much of a good experience AP US history was for her.
A lot of Seniors have goals that they wish to accomplish after graduating. Abbie Carson said, “After high school I want to be a full- time pharmacist and have graduated from pharmacy school. I want to have a full career set in front of me.” After she graduates high school and after she graduates college she wants to be a full-time pharmacist.
Even though these seniors are excited to start a new chapter in their lives, they may not be ready to let go of the past. Jackson Pledger, senior, said he will miss, “My friends that I’ve made over the last couple years, my classmates, because half of my grade I’ll never see again. It will definitely be something.”
Most senior’s try to play their very best at every game before they go off to college. Peyton Falk, senior and cheerleader, said, “Hopefully we win another state championship in competition cheerleading, before I graduate.” On the other hand Kohan Terry said, “I hope to get a home run during the Baseball game before I graduate.”
A couple seniors plan on going to college next year. Some might want to find a job first. Jackson Pledger said, “I plan on going to college. I don’t know exactly what for yet, but I think I’ll go somewhere local first like Shorter, or Berry, then see where life takes me next.”
In about 4-5 years, these senior’s lives will be very different from what they are now. Some might be out of college, some might be in a different state, and some might be at Armuchee still. The seniors are excited for the future ahead, and are looking forward to the next couple of years.