Getting to Know Principal Rhodarmer

Olivia Fields, Staff Writer

In the summer of 2017, John Rhodarmer became the new principal for Armuchee High School. Since then, he has influenced and cared for our school. Mr. Rhodarmer has also implemented a character program to help the students learn good leadership and how to connect with others, called Habitudes. Along with incentive programs, he intends to connect with his students through his presence, “I connect with students by being there, in the hallways, in the cafeteria.”

He not only wants to motivate his students but his staff. Fortunately for him, “The staff here at AHS are very self-motivated,” he said. The programs like Teacher of the Year, Teacher of the Month, and Teacher Appreciation Week activities, are arranged to drive them forward and deliver them the recognition they deserve. Also, throughout the school year, small luncheons are held as an opportunity for the staff to enjoy conversation and fellowship.

Traditions are an essential element of Tribe, and Mr. Rhodarmer often helps arrange them. He will plan them out for weeks and when they are set into motion he is able to enjoy them even more. “I would say all of the traditions that involve both our school and community are my favorites, but to name a few: all things Homecoming and the Community Pep Rally, TribeFest, Friday morning spirit rallies, and Meet the Tribe,” said Mr. Rhodarmer.

Mr. Rhodarmer is studying for an Ed.D. or a Doctorate in Education. He hopes to walk the stage in December of 2019.  Along with getting his Ed.D., he has also begun a character growth program called, Habitudes. This program will teach students leadership skills and positive character growth. He stated, “We’ll continue having large group activities, but Habitudes is going to encompass the drive for character development.” After attending a lecture given by Dr. Tim Elmore, he found that the school could make great progress in gaining a better point of view on teaching leadership and character.

Before becoming the Principal at Armuchee High School, Mr. Rhodarmer was a teacher and coach. The two positions helped prepare him to take his current job. He feels privileged by the trust he’s been given from the both students and parents.

The safety measures he is taking at the school are a result of that trust. One of the things Mr. Rhodarmer is making sure of is that the schools’ relationship with law enforcement remains strong. Additionally, lock downs and drills are done correctly and monthly. Mr. Rhodarmer wishes to promote an environment where students feel loved and appreciated, but also safe.