Tribe Vibe


The Tribe Vibe is the new announcement show at Armuchee High School. The Tribe Vibe, part of Business Communications, is now a class that students can sign up for as their first-period class. The show was created by Coach Arp, the business and technology teacher at AHS. She said, “I wanted to start the new announcements show because in past years students didn’t really know what was going on. With the Tribe Vibe, students can be more involved and actually want to know what is going on.” The first Tribe Vibe show was posted on August 13th. 5th period teachers display it on their Smartboards for students. 

Audrey Young, senior, and Gavin Outler, sophomore, are both in the class. Both students said they knew the class would be involved with announcements, but they didn’t know exactly what the class entailed. Young said, “I saw Coach Arp in an Arby’s the week before school started. She told me I would be in the class but left most details a secret.”

The daily routine of the Tribe Vibe show is: come into class and record the updates and current events, put the show together with the software Movie Maker, upload the video. After they have gotten the day’s video finished, they plan out the next day. Outler said, “In this class, I am looking forward to knowing more about school topics and having a class that is not as stressful.” 

Features have included getting to know teachers, their hobbies, favorite foods, and favorite music. The Tribe Vibe has also interviewed key sports players and coaches. The Tribe Tribune, Armuchee’s journalism program, contributes a weekly survey question and presents it with a video clip.

Two freshmen in the class are Mary Grace Traylor and Elizabeth Stockton. Stockton and Traylor were both placed in the Tribe Vibe class after dropping a different class at the beginning of the year. Traylor said, “I wanted to be in this class because I knew it would be a good experience to have.” Both Stockton and Traylor’s role in the Tribe Vibe is focusing on the sports news. Along with freshmen, Anneliese Brock and Emmy Carney, they alternate each day with who will appear on the show. Stockton said, “I will benefit from this class because it helps with public speaking and later on in life that can really help.” The Tribe Vibe plans to continue with the announcements show throughout this school year and years to come.